Facade and building shell

The building shell consists of a combination of different materials, characterised by different thermal expansion coefficients. Exposure to external agents, such as sun, rain and wind, causes dimensional changes, which are small when taken out of context but very important in the overall behaviour of the building. Other types of stress may derive from vibrations induced by sound waves, traffic or simply all those settlements to which every building is subject: a continuous and imperceptible movement, invisible to the naked eye. A rigidly constructed connection could crack, allowing air, water and chemical agents to penetrate into the building and cause it to deteriorate. In this context, therefore, thermal expansion is certainly the aspect that must be taken into the greatest consideration when joining the parts that make up the building shell, and it must be adequately supported by making elastic sealing joints.


1. Sealing of polycarbonate



Neutral cured silicone sealant for polycarbonate elements.
EC1plus_(GB)_black_ F-EXT_INT-CC _25LM_EN15651_1 G-CC_20LM_EN15651-2

2. Sealing of gutter profiles



Neutral curing silicone sealant specifically for tin roofing works.
F-EXT:INT-CC EC1_(GB)_black_

3. Bonding of roof tiles and pantiles



Polyurethane foam with extended open time, reduced post-expansion, and high tear resistance.

4. Overpaintable sealing of joints


Acrysil PRO

Acrylic-silane sealant for sealing flexible joints.
EC1plus_(GB)_black_ F-EXT_INT
Alternative solution

Acryl 15

High-performance paintable acrylic sealant for elastic sealing of connection joints.
F-EXT_INT EC1_(GB)_black_

5. Sealing between prefabricated elements


Hybrid LM

Low modulus of elasticity sealant, based on hybrid polymers, for façades and windows.
EC1plus_(GB)_black_ F-EXT_INT-CC _25LM_EN15651_1
Alternative solution

Low Modulus

Neutral cured silicone sealant.
Alternative solution

Acrysil PRO

Acrylic-silane sealant for sealing flexible joints.
EC1plus_(GB)_black_ F-EXT_INT

6. Sealing between window and wall


Window Pro

Sigillante siliconico monocomponente neutro professionale per serramenti e sigillatura tra vetro, telaio e finitura su elementi di fissaggio in vetro. Compatibile con doppi vetri e PVB.
F-EXT_INT-CC _25LM_EN15651_1 G-CC_25LM_EN15651-2 S1_EN15651-3 EN12488

7. Sealing between floor and wall



Neutral curing silicone sealant with anti-mould agent and low modulus of elasticity.
EC1plus_(GB)_black_ EC1_(GB)_black_ F-EXT_INT-CC _25LM_EN15651_1 G-CC_25LM_EN15651-2 S1_EN15651-3 IMO MED
Alternative solution

Marble & Stone

Neutral curing silicone sealant with low modulus of elasticity for marble and natural stone.
F-EXT:INT-CC EC1_(GB)_black_ XS1_EN15651-3 G-CC_20LM_EN15651-2

8. Pool overflow sealing


Marble & Stone

Neutral curing silicone sealant with low modulus of elasticity for marble and natural stone.
F-EXT:INT-CC EC1_(GB)_black_ XS1_EN15651-3 G-CC_20LM_EN15651-2
Alternative solution


Neutral curing silicone sealant with anti-mould agent and low modulus of elasticity.
EC1plus_(GB)_black_ EC1_(GB)_black_ F-EXT_INT-CC _25LM_EN15651_1 G-CC_25LM_EN15651-2 S1_EN15651-3 IMO MED
Alternative solution

Acetic Standard

Acetic curing silicone sealant with anti-mould agent for sanitary use and facades.
EC1_(GB)_black_ XS1_EN15651-3 G-CC_20LM_EN15651-2 F-EXT_INT-CC_12-5E_EN15651-1

9. Sealing driveway floor joints



Neutral curig silicone sealant for floor applications.

10. Stone floor sealing


Marble & Stone

Neutral curing silicone sealant with low modulus of elasticity for marble and natural stone.
F-EXT:INT-CC EC1_(GB)_black_ XS1_EN15651-3 G-CC_20LM_EN15651-2