Fire prevention
The sealing of linear joints, in situations subject to fire regulations, requires that the person in charge of the procedure assesses that the structures to be certified have characteristics that correspond or are similar to those adopted in the certification of the products to be used (width and orientation of the expansion joints, thickness and volume mass of the walls). “In other words, the application of the sealing is permitted within supporting constructions, thickness and density equal to or greater than that of the sealing itself obtained in the test, for which a fire resistance class equal to or greater than that of the sealing itself obtained in the test is guaranteed. The fire resistance class of the test wall must be proven by the relevant classification report issued by an authorised laboratory in accordance with the law” (UNI EN 1366-4).

1. Fire door installation
Fire Resistant

2. Sealing of connection and expansion joints
Fire Resistant

3. Overpaintable sealing of connection and expansion joints
Acryl Fire Resistant