
The main causes of deterioration of plasters and masonry are in most cases due to ascending moisture and infiltration humidity. In both cases, water penetrates the masonry and carries the salts dissolved in it. With this in mind, Torggler has developed products with very high levels of performance in order to solve even the most critical moisture problems and guarantee their long-term effectiveness.

Risan One

Pre-mixed cementitious mortar 3-in-1. Multi-functional for the creation of renovation plasters on masonry affected by rising damp and saline efflorescence.

Intonaco WTA

Premixed plastering mortar for the renovation of masonry subject to rising capillary damp, according to EN 998-1 type R, WTA certified.
R_EN998-1 Sanierputz WTA

DP 501

Premixed cementitious mortar for dehumidifying plasters.